Validation of CMIP5 models by means of representing pattterns of mesoscale systems on South America for the summer and Winter
- Conferencia [7]
The climate model developers have conducted a new series of climate modeling experiments, which are part of the Couple Models Intercomparison Phase 5 (CMIP5). These show us a new generation of Atmosphere-Ocean couple models, as well as a new generation of sceneries. The performance rate of the models representing the current climate is not uniform. In other words, not every region on the planet is well represented by the same models (Errasti, 2011). Therefore, it is necessary the validation of the General Circulation Models (GCMs) prior to elaborate climate change studies.
For the development of this study, some specific data has been used: pressure at sea level, 200hPa geopotential, precipitation and 2m temperature, all of them are monthly data from 48 CMIP5 models. On the other hand, the 7 models represent better the minimum temperature than the maximum, mainly for summertime. Finally the best represented regions are central and northern forest.
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