• The contributions of transboundary networks to environmental governance: The legacy of the MAP initiative 

      Perz, Stephen; Rioja Ballivián, Guillermo; Brown, I. Foster; Frias, Miroslava; Mendoza, Elsa; Muñante, Armando; Perales, Mercedes; Reis, Vera

      (Elsevier, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      Because many environmental threats span national boundaries, transboundary networks have emerged as a form of multi-stakeholder platform to support environmental governance (EG). There are transboundary networks in various ...
    • The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns on the Air Pollution of Urban Areas of Central and Southern Chile 

      Morales-Solís, Karina; Ahumada, Hernán; Rojas Quincho, Jhojan Pool; Urdanivia Lermo, Francesco Renato; Catalán, Francisco; Claramunt, Tomas; Toro A., Richard; Manzano, Carlos A.; Leiva-Guzmán, Manuel A.

      (AAGR Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2021)
      Acceso abierto
      We present the effects of the confinement and physical distancing policies applied during the COVID-19 pandemic on the concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, NO, NO2 and O3 in 16 cities in central and southern Chile. The period ...
    • The Energy and Mass Balance of Peruvian Glaciers 

      Fyffe, C.L.; Potter, E.; Fugger, S.; Orr, A.; Fatichi, Simone; Loarte, Edwin; Medina, Katy; Hellström, R.Å.; Bernat, M.; Aubry-Wake, Caroline; Gurgiser, W.; Perry, L. B.; Suarez, Wilson; Quincey, D.J.; Pellicciotti, F.

      (John Wiley & Sons, 2021-12)
      Acceso abierto
      Peruvian glaciers are important contributors to dry season runoff for agriculture and hydropower, but they are at risk of disappearing due to climate change. We applied a physically based, energy balance melt model at five ...
    • The new record of drought and warmth in the Amazon in 2023 related to regional and global climatic features 

      Espinoza, Jhan-Carlo; Jimenez, Juan Carlos; Marengo, José Antonio; Schongart, Jochen; Ronchail, Josyane; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Ribeiro, João Vitor M.

      (Springer, 2024)
      Acceso abierto
      In 2023 Amazonia experienced both historical drought and warm conditions. On October 26th 2023 the water levels at the port of Manaus reached its lowest record since 1902 (12.70 m). In this region, October monthly maximum ...
    • The rainy season in the Southern Peruvian Andes: A climatological analysis based on the new Climandes index 

      Sedlmeier, Katrin; Imfeld, Noemí; Gubler, Stefanie; Spirig, Christoph; Quevedo Caiña, Karim; Escajadillo Fernandez, Yury; Rohrer, Mario; Schwierz, Cornelia

      (John Wiley and Sons, 2023-01)
      Acceso abierto
      The rainy season is of high importance for livelihoods in the Southern Peruvian Andes (SPA), especially for agriculture, which is mainly rain fed and one of the main income sources in the region. Therefore, knowledge and ...
    • Towards a more consistent eco-hydrological modelling through multi-objective calibration: a case study in the Andean Vilcanota River basin, Peru 

      Fernández Palomino, Carlos; Hattermann, F.F.; Krysanova, V.; Vega-Jácome, Fiorella; Bronstert, A.

      (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      Most hydrological studies rely on a model calibrated using discharge alone. However, judging the model reliability based on such calibration is problematic, as it does not guarantee the correct representation of internal ...
    • Towards implementing climate services in Peru – The project CLIMANDES 

      Rosas, Gabriela; Gubler, S.; Oria, Clara; Acuña, Delia; Avalos, Grinia; Begert, M.; Castillo, E.; Croci-Maspoli, M.; Cubas Saucedo, Félix; Dapozzo, M.; Díaz, A.; van Geijtenbeek, D.; Jacques-Coper, M.

      (Elsevier B.V., 2016-09)
      Acceso abierto
      CLIMANDES is a pilot twinning project between the National Weather Services of Peru and Switzerland (SENAMHI and MeteoSwiss), developed within the Global Framework for Climate Services of the World Meteorological Organization ...
    • Trends and space–time patterns of near-surface temperatures on Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica 

      Bello, Cinthya; Suarez, Wilson; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (Royal Meteorological Society, 2022-04)
      There is growing interest in the international scientific community in characterizing climate variability in Antarctica because of the continent's fundamental role in regulating the world's climate. Researchers have ...
    • Trends and variability of precipitation extremes in the Peruvian Altiplano (1971–2013) 

      Huerta, Adrian; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (John Wiley and Sons, 2020-05-24)
      Precipitation extremes have been investigated throughout the last decades in different regions of the Andes. However, little attention has been paid to the Altiplano region (Central Andes), especially to the Peruvian ...
    • Trends in rainfall and temperature in the Peruvian Amazon-Andes basin over the last 40years (1965-2007) 

      Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Labat, D.; Ronchail, J.; Espinoza, J.C.; Guyot, J.L.

      (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013-09)
      Acceso cerrado
      The hydroclimatology of the Peruvian Amazon-Andes basin (PAB) which surface corresponding to 7% of the Amazon basin is still poorly documented. We propose here an extended and original analysis of the temporal evolution ...
    • Tropical Pacific observing system 

      Smith, N.; Kessler, W.S.; Cravatte, S.; Sprintall, J.; Wijffels, S.; Cronin, M.F.; Sutton, A.; Serra, Y.L.; Dewitte, Boris; Strutton, P.G.; Hill, K.; Gupta, A.S.; Lin, Xiaopei; Takahashi, Ken; Chen, D.; Brunner, Shelby

      (Frontiers in Earth Science, 2019-02-18)
      This paper reviews the design of the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) and its governance and takes a forward look at prospective change. The initial findings of the TPOS 2020 Project embrace new strategic approaches ...
    • Twinning SENAMHI and MeteoSwiss to co-develop climate services for the agricultural sector in Peru 

      Gubler, S.; Rossa, Andrea; Avalos, Grinia; Brönnimann, Stefan; Cristobal, Katy; Croci-Maspoli, M.; Dapozzo, M.; van der Elst, A.; Escajadillo Fernandez, Yury; Flubacher, Moritz; Garcia, T.; Imfeld, N.; Konzelmann, T.; Lechthaler, F.; Liniger, M.; Quevedo Caiña, Karim; Ramos, Hugo; Rohrer, M.; Schwierz, C.; Sedlmeier, K.; Spirig, C.; de Ventura, S.; Wüthrich, B.

      (Elsevier B.V., 2020-12-06)
      Acceso abierto
      The development and dissemination of weather and climate information is crucial to improve people's resilience and adaptability to climate variability and change. The impacts of climate variability and change are generally ...
    • Two Contrasting Severe Seasonal Extremes in Tropical South America in 2012: Flood in Amazonia and Drought in Northeast Brazil 

      Marengo, José A.; Alves, Lincoln M.; Soares, W.R.; Rodriguez, D.A.; Camargo, H.; Riveros, M.P.; Pabló, A.D.

      (American Meteorological Society, 2013-11)
      Acceso abierto
      Two simultaneous extreme events affected tropical South America to the east of the Andes during the austral summer and fall of 2012: a severe drought in Northeast Brazil and intense rainfall and floods in Amazonia, both ...
    • Updated analyses of temperature and precipitation extreme indices since the beginning of the twentieth century: The HadEX2 dataset 

      Donat, M. G.; Alexander, L. V.; Yang, H.; Durre, I.; Vose, R.; Dunn, R. J. H.; Willett, K. M.; Aguilar, E.; Brunet, M.; Caesar, J.; Hewitson, B.; Jack, C.; Klein Tank, A. M. G.; Kruger, A. C.; Marengo, José A.; Peterson, T. C.; Renom, M.; Oria, Clara; Rusticucci, M.; Salinger, J.; Elrayah, A. S.; Sekele, S. S; Srivastava, A. K.; Trewin, B.; Villarroel, C.; Vincent, L. A.; Zhai, P.; Zhang, X.; Kitching, S.

      (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013-03-04)
      Acceso abierto
      In this study, we present the collation and analysis of the gridded land-based dataset ofindices of temperature and precipitation extremes: HadEX2. Indices were calculated based onstation data using a consistent approach ...
    • Updating regionalization of precipitation in Ecuador 

      Ilbay-Yupa, Mercy; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Rau, Pedro; Zubieta, Ricardo; Castillón, Fiorela

      (Springer, 2021-01-07)
      Acceso abierto
      This article identifies homogeneous precipitation regions in Ecuador and their relationship to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), using monthly records from 215 rain stations for the 1968–2014 period. A k-means ...
    • Uso del modelo “Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System” (brams) en el análisis del huaico de Chosica en Lima Perú 

      García Villanueva, Jerónimo; Sutizal Sánchez, Bremilda Andrea

      (Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina, 2017)
      Acceso abierto
      En la actualidad existen modelos numéricos que permiten disponer de informaciones para las investigaciones y análisis en lugares con escasez de datos meteorológicos observados. El modelo regional BRAMS cuenta con datos de ...
    • Validación de la precipitación estimada por satélite TRMM y su aplicación en la modelación hidrológica del rio Ramis Puno Perú 

      Lujano Laura, Efrain; Felipe-Obando, Oscar; Lujano Laura, Apolinario; Quispe Aragón, José

      (Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, 2015)
      Acceso abierto
      La investigación se realizó en la cuenca Ramis, ubicado al norte de la región hidrográfica del Titicaca (lado peruano), teniendo como objetivo validar las precipitaciones estimadas por satélite y su aplicación en la ...
    • Validación de lluvia utilizando TRMM en dos cuencas amazónicas peruanas y su aplicación en modelos mensuales de balance hídrico 

      Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Labat, David; Guyot, J.L.; Ronchail, Josyane; Ordóñez Gálvez, Juan Julio

      (Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú, 2009)
      Acceso abierto
      El Perú presenta aproximadamente el 10% del total de la Cuenca Amazónica y se caracteriza por ser la región con menor distribución de estaciones de lluvia, sobre todo en la Selva baja. Nosotros comparamos el producto 3B43 ...
    • Validación del modelo de calidad del aire BRAMS/TEB en el área metropolitana de Lima. Nota Técnica 

      Chávez Barturen, José; Sánchez Ccoyllo, Odón; Dias De Freitas, Edmilson

      (Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú, 2011)
      Acceso abierto
      En el presente trabajo se evaluó el funcionamiento del modelo BRAMS/TEB (BRAMS versión 4.0) (Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System/Town Energy Budget), haciendo una comparación entre los valores ...
    • Validation and analysis of UV radiation time series collected in different peruvian sites 

      Yamamoto, A.L.C.; Corrêa, M.P.; Ccoyllo, O.R.S.

      (Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia, 2018-06)
      Acceso abierto
      We evaluate a set of ultraviolet solar radiation (UVR) measurements collected in six locations in Peru: Ica, Tacna, Moquegua, Arequipa, Cajamarca and Marcapomacocha, whose altitudes vary from sea level to 4479 m. The ...