• Basin-scale analysis of rainfall and runoff in Peru (1969–2004): Pacific, Titicaca and Amazonas drainages 

      Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Ronchail, J.; Labat, D.; Espinoza, J.C.; Guyot, J.L.

      (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2012-06)
      Acceso abierto
      According to the Peruvian agricultural ministry, the Pacific watersheds where the great cities and intense farming are located only benefit from 1% of the available freshwater in Peru. Hence a thorough knowledge of the ...
    • Behavior of the ITCZ second band near the Peruvian coast during the 2017 coastal El Niño 

      Aliaga Nestares, Vannia; Rodríguez Zimmermann, Diego; Quispe, Nelson

      (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      The behavior of the second band of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) near the Peruvian coast during early 2017 is studied, using precipitation, surface winds, sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric variables ...
    • Benefits of the coupling in the downscaling the South American climate 

      Ordoñez, Jorge; Paredes, Jonathan; Vázquez, Rubén; Llacza, Alan; Jacome, Gerardo; De la Cruz, Gustavo; Llamocca, Jorge; Acuña, Delia; Sein, Dmitry V.; Álvarez, Erick; Cabos, William

      (Elsevier, 2024)
      Acceso abierto
      We evaluate the benefits of the use of a regional coupled model over its stand-alone atmospheric component when forced by reanalysis data in the simulation of the South American climate. We find that the coupling allows ...
    • Can artificial neural networks estimate potential evapotranspiration in Peruvian highlands? 

      Laqui, Wilber; Zubieta, Ricardo; Rau, P.; Mejía, Abel; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Ingol, Eusebio

      ( John Wiley and Sons , 2019-09-26)
      Evapotranspiration (ETo) is one of the most important variables of the water cycle when water requirements for irrigation, water resource planning or hydrological applications are analyzed. In this context, models based ...
    • Caracterización química - morfológica del PM2,5 en Lima metropolitana mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) 

      Ordóñez Aquino, Carol; Sánchez Ccoyllo, Odón

      (Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, 2018)
      Acceso abierto
      La cuantificación de las concentraciones de los contaminantes criterio ha comprobado que el problema en la ciudad de Lima radica en las altas concentraciones de material particulado, siendo de mayor interés el material ...
    • Central South America 

      Marengo, José A.; Espinoza, J.C.; Alves, Lincoln M.; Ronchail, J.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Ramos, A. M.; Molina-Carpio, J.; Correa, Kris; Baez, J.; Salinas, R.

      (American Meteorological Society, 2020-08)
      Acceso abierto
      Heavy rainfall events were observed in January along the dry southern coast of Peru, resulting in some locations breaking precipitation records of more than 30 years. Heavy rainfall during February led to 42 landslides ...
    • Change in strong Eastern Pacific El Niño events dynamics in the warming climate 

      Carréric, Aude; Dewitte, Boris; Cai, Wenju; Capotondi, Antonietta; Takahashi, Ken; Yeh, Sang-Wook; Wang, Guojian; Guémas, Virginie

      (Springer, 2020)
      Acceso restringido
      While there is evidence that ENSO activity will increase in association with the increased vertical stratification due to global warming, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here we investigate this issue using the ...
    • Characteristics of Precipitating Storms in Glacierized Tropical Andean Cordilleras of Peru and Bolivia 

      Perry, L. B.; Seimon, Anton; Andrade, Marcos; Endries, J. L.; Yuter, S. E.; Velarde, Fernando; Arias, S.; Bonshoms, Marti; Burton, E.J.; Winkelmann, I. R.; Cooper, C.M.; Mamani, G.; Rado, M.; Montoya, N.; Quispe, Nelson

      (Taylor & Francis, 2016-06-01)
      Acceso cerrado
      Precipitation variability in tropical high mountains is a fundamental yet poorly understood factor influencing local climatic expression and a variety of environmental processes, including glacier behavior and water ...
    • Chemical characteristics and identification of PM10 sources in two districts of Lima, Peru 

      Ilizarbe-Gonzáles, Gina Mishel; Rojas Quincho, Jhojan Pool; Cabello-Torres, Rita Jaqueline; Ugarte-Alvan, Carlos Alfred; Reynoso-Quispe, Patricia; Valdiviezo-Gonzales, Lorgio Gilberto

      (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2020-11)
      Acceso abierto
      This study evaluates the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 andidentifies the sources of pollution in the districts of San Juan de Lurigancho (SJL) and Puente Piedra (PPD) located in the eastern and northern zones of the ...
    • Chemical weathering and atmospheric/soil CO2 uptake in the Andean and Foreland Amazon basins 

      Moquet, J.S.; Crave, A.; Viers, J.; Seyler, P.; Armijos, E.; Bourrel, L.; Chavarri, E.; Lagane, C.; Laraque, A.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Pombosa, R.; Noriega, L.; Vera, A.; Guyot, J.L.

      (Elsevier B.V., 2011-08)
      Acceso cerrado
      This study is a geochemical investigation of the Andean and Foreland basins of the Amazon River at high spatial and time resolution, carried out within the framework of the HYBAM research program (Hydro-geodynamics of the ...
    • Cl and Na Fluxes in an Andean Foreland Basin of the Peruvian Amazon: An Anthropogenic Impact Evidence 

      Moquet, Jean-Sébastien; Maurice, Laurence; Crave, Alain; Viers, Jérôme; Arevalo, Nore; Lagane, C.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Guyot, J.L.

      (Springer, 2014-09-14)
      Acceso abierto
      The dissolved load of the Amazon River is generally considered to be lowlyimpacted by anthropogenic activities. In this work, based on the chemical and hydrologicaldatabase of the Environmental Research Observatory—HYBAM ...
    • Climate Change Impact on Peruvian Biomes 

      Zevallos, Jose; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (MDPI, 2022-02)
      Acceso abierto
      The biodiversity present in Peru will be affected by climatic and anthropogenic changes; therefore, understanding these changes will help generate biodiversity conservation policies. This study analyzes the potential ...
    • Climate change threats to environment in the tropical Andes: glaciers and water resources 

      Chevallier, Pierre; Pouyaud, Bernard; Suarez, Wilson; Condom, Thomas

      (Springer, 2010-11-14)
      Acceso cerrado
      Almost all of the world’s glaciers in the tropical latitudes are located in the Central Andes (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia). Due to their high altitude, to the high level of radiation and to the tropical climate ...
    • Climate diagnostics of the extreme floods in Peru during early 2017 

      Son, R.; Wang, S.-Y.S.; Tseng, W.-L.; Barreto Schuler, Christian; Becker, E.J.; Yoon, J.-H.

      (Springer, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      From January through March 2017, a series of extreme precipitation events occurred in coastal Peru, causing severe floods with hundreds of human casualties and billions of dollars in economic losses. The extreme precipitation ...
    • Climate impacts of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation on South America 

      Cai, Wenju; McPhaden, Michael J.; Grimm, Alice M.; Rodrigues, Regina R.; Taschetto, Andréa S; Garreaud, René D.; Dewitte, Boris; Poveda, Germán; Ham, Yoo-Geun; Santoso, A.; Ng, Benjamin; Anderson, Weston; Wang, Guojian; Geng, Tao; Jo, Hyun-Su; Marengo, José A.; Alves, Lincoln M.; Osman, Marisol; Li, Shujun; Wu, L.; Karamperidou, Christina; Takahashi, Ken; Vera, Carolina

      (Nature Publishing Group, 2020-04-10)
      Acceso abierto
      The climate of South America (SA) has long held an intimate connection with El Niño, historically describing anomalously warm sea-surface temperatures off the coastline of Peru. Indeed, throughout SA, precipitation and ...
    • Climate trends and variability in Ecuador (1966–2011) 

      Morán-Tejeda, E.; Bazo, Juan; López-Moreno, J.I.; Aguilar, E.; Azorín-Molina, C.; Sanchez‐Lorenzo, Arturo; Martínez, Rodney; Nieto, Juan J.; Mejía, R.; Martín‐Hernández, N.; Vicente-Serrano, S.M.

      (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2016-01-15)
      Acceso abierto
      This study detects climate trends and variability from precipitation and temperature observations in Ecuador and assesses their links to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) for the period 1966–2011, using the El Niño ...
    • Climate variability and extreme drought in the upper Solimões River (western Amazon Basin): Understanding the exceptional 2010 drought 

      Espinoza, J.C.; Ronchail, J.; Guyot, J.L.; Junquas, v; Vauchel, P.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Drapeau, v; Pombosa, R.

      (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011-07)
      Acceso abierto
      This work provides an initial overview of climate features and their related hydrological impacts during the recent extreme droughts (1995, 1998, 2005 and 2010) in the upper Solimes River (western Amazon), using comprehensive ...
    • Climatic control on eastern Andean denudation rates (Central Cordillera from Ecuador to Bolivia) 

      Pepin, E.; Guyot, J.L.; Armijos, E.; Bazan, H.; Fraizy, Pascal; Moquet, J.S.; Noriega, L.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Pombosa, R.; Vauchel, P.

      (Elsevier, 2013-07)
      Acceso cerrado
      The suspended sediment yield and associated current denudation rates of eight large catchments located along the eastern range of the central Andes have been determined. The catchments have been chosen as mountainous and ...
    • Climatology of extreme cold events in the central Peruvian Andes during austral summer: origin, types and teleconnections 

      Sulca, Juan; Vuille, Mathias; Roundy, Paul; Takahashi, Ken; Espinoza, J.C.; Silva, Yamina; Trasmonte, Grace; Zubieta, R.

      (Royal Meteorological Society, 2018-08-30)
      Acceso abierto
      The climatological and large‐scale characteristics of the extreme cold events (ECEs) in the central Peruvian Andes (Mantaro basin (MB)) during austral summer (January–March) are examined using reanalysis, gridded and in ...
    • A combined view on precipitation and temperature climatology and trends in the southern Andes of Peru 

      Imfeld, Noemi; Sedlmeier, Katrin; Gubler, Stefanie; Correa, Kris; Davila Arriaga, Cristina; Huerta, Adrian; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Rohrer, M.; Scherrer, Simon C.; Schwierz, Cornelia

      (John Wiley and Sons, 2020-05-13)
      Acceso abierto
      In the southern Peruvian Andes, communities are highly dependent on climatic conditions due to the mainly rain-fed agriculture and the importance of glaciers and snow melt as a freshwater resource. Longer-term trends and ...