Construction of a daily streamflow dataset for Peru using a similarity-based regionalization approach and a hybrid hydrological modeling framework
- Artículo científico [176]
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This paper aims to develop a national hydrological model using physiographic and climatic characteristics to identify donor and receptor sub-catchments (sub-zones). Therefore, we use the hydrometeorological PISCO dataset (0.1º x 0.1º) to drive a sub-catchment conceptual rainfall-runoff (ARNO/VIC) model and a river-routing (RAPID) model in thousands of river reaches. We identify 43 hydrological zones (with 122 sub-zones) to run the hybrid hydrological modeling framework (ARNO/VIC+RAPID) with previously calibrated and validated parameters with 43 fluviometric stations for 1981–2020. Simulated flow series show a higher performance at daily scale (KGE ≥ 0.75, NSEsqrt ≥ 0.65, MARE ≤ 1, and −25% ≤ PBIAS ≤ 25%) for catchments located at the Pacific coast and the Andes-Amazon transition, and good representation (R≥0.75) of seasonal and interannual variability.
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