• Projected increases in the annual flood pulse of the Western Amazon 

      Zulkafli, Z.; Buytaert, W.; Manz, B.; Rosas, C.V.; Willems, P.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Guyot, J.L.; Santini, W.

      (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2016-01)
      Acceso abierto
      The impact of a changing climate on the Amazon basin is a subject of intensive research because of its rich biodiversity and the significant role of rainforests in carbon cycling. Climate change has also a direct hydrological ...
    • The projected precipitation reduction over the Central Andes may severely affect Peruvian glaciers and hydropower production 

      Kronenberg, M.; Schauwecker, S.; Huggel, C.; Salzmann, N.; Drenkhan, Fabian; Frey, H.; Giraáldez, C.; Gurgiser, W.; Kaser, G.; Juen, I.; Suarez, Wilson; Hernaández, J.G.; Sanmartín, J.F.; Ayros, E.; Perry, B.; Rohrer, M.

      (Elsevier, 2016-11-29)
      Acceso abierto
      Water from glaciers is crucial for the Peruvian hydropower production. Hence, we investigate the glacier-atmosphere and climate interactions in the Cordillera Vilcanota, considering scenarios of significant precipitation ...
    • Radar-Observed Characteristics of Precipitation in the Tropical High Andes of Southern Peru and Bolivia 

      Endries, J. L.; Perry, L. B.; Yuter, S. E.; Seimon, Anton; Andrade, Marcos; Winkelmann, Ronald; Quispe, Nelson; Rado, Maxwell; Montoya, Nilton; Velarde, Fernando; Arias, S.

      (American Meteorological Society, 2018-07-06)
      This study used the first detailed radar measurements of the vertical structure of precipitation obtained in the central Andes of southern Peru and Bolivia to investigate the diurnal cycle and vertical structure of ...
    • Rainfall along the coast of Peru during strong El Niño events 

      Sanabria Quispe, Janeet; Bourrel, L.; Dewitte, Boris; Frappart, F.; Rau, P.; Solis, Olimpio

      (Royal Meteorological Society, 2017-09-26)
      Acceso abierto
      While, climatologically, most areas of the Peruvian Pacific region do not experience precipitation, they can be affected by heavy rain and flooding during strong El Niño events with severe socio-economic impacts. Only four ...
    • Rainfall Erosivity in Peru: A New Gridded Dataset Based on GPM-IMERG and Comprehensive Assessment (2000–2020) 

      Gutierrez, Leonardo; Huerta, Adrian; Sabino, Evelin; Bourrel, Luc; Frappart, Frédéric; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      In soil erosion estimation models, the variables with the greatest impact are rainfall erosivity (𝑅𝐸), which is the measurement of precipitation energy and its potential capacity to cause erosion, and erosivity density ...
    • Rainfall hotspots over the southern tropical Andes: Spatial distribution, rainfall intensity, and relations with large-scale atmospheric circulation 

      Espinoza, J.C.; Chavez, Steven; Ronchail, Josyane; Junquas, Clémentine; Takahashi, Ken; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (American Geophysical Union, 2015-05-11)
      Acceso abierto
      The Andes/Amazon transition is among the rainiest regions of the world and the interactionsbetween large-scale circulation and the topography that determine its complex rainfall distribution remainpoorly known. This work ...
    • Rainfall thresholds estimation for shallow landslides in Peru from gridded daily data 

      Millán-Arancibia, Carlos; Lavado-Casimiro, Waldo

      (European Geosciences Union, 2023-03-22)
      Acceso abierto
      This work aims to generate and evaluate regional rainfall thresholds obtained from a combination of high-resolution gridded rainfall data, developed by the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru, and information ...
    • Recent changes in monthly surface air temperature over Peru, 1964–2014 

      Vicente-Serrano, S.M.; López-Moreno, J.I.; Correa, Kris; Avalos, Grinia; Bazo, Juan; Azorín-Molina, C.; Domínguez-Castro, F.; Kenawy, A.E.

      (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2018-01)
      This study assessed changes in the maximum and minimum surface air temperatures across Peru during the period 1964–2014. For this purpose, we employed the most complete records of air temperature series that were also ...
    • Recent temperature variability and change in the Altiplano of Bolivia and Peru 

      López-Moreno, J.I.; Morán-Tejeda, E.; Vicente-Serrano, S.M.; Bazo, Juan; Azorín-Molina, C.; Revuelto, J.; Sanchez‐Lorenzo, Arturo; Aguilar, E.; Chura, O.

      (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2015-08-26)
      Acceso abierto
      This work analysed the changes in air temperature in 25 meteorological stations in the Altiplano and the surrounding Andean slopes of Bolivia and Peru, and their relationship with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (SO) and the ...
    • Regional maximum rainfall analysis using L-moments at the Titicaca Lake drainage, Peru 

      Fernández Palomino, Carlos; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (Springer-Verlag Wien, 2017-08)
      Acceso cerrado
      The present study investigates the application of the index flood L-moments-based regional frequency analysis procedure (RFA-LM) to the annual maximum 24-h rainfall (AM) of 33 rainfall gauge stations (RGs) to estimate ...
    • Regional parameter estimation of the SWAT model: methodology and application to river basins in the Peruvian Pacific drainage 

      Asurza Véliz, Flavio Alexander; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (MDPI AG, 2020-11-16)
      Acceso abierto
      This study presents a methodology for the regional parameters estimation of the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model, with the objective of estimating daily flow series in the Pacific drainage under the context of ...
    • Regionalization of rainfall over the Peruvian Pacific slope and coast 

      Rau, P.; Bourrel, L.; Labat, D.; Melo, P.; Dewitte, Boris; Frappart, F.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Felipe-Obando, Oscar

      (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2017-01)
      Acceso cerrado
      Documenting the heterogeneity of rainfall regimes is a prerequisite for water resources management, mitigation of risks associated to extremes weather events and for impact studies. In this paper, we present a method for ...
    • Relationship between monthly rainfall in NW peru and tropical sea surface temperature 

      Bazo, Juan; Lorenzo, M.D.L.N.; Porfirio Da Rocha, R.

      (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013-08)
      Acceso abierto
      This study assesses the relationship between global sea surface temperature (SST) and a regional index of rainfall (NWPR) in Piura-Tumbes, a coastal region in northwestern Peru, over the period 1965-2008 by means of the ...
    • Reliability of cross-regional applications of global fire danger models: a Peruvian case study 

      Podschwit, Harry; Jolly, William; Alvarado, Ernesto; Verma, Satyam; Ponce, Blanca; Markos, Andrea; Aliaga Nestares, Vannia; Rodríguez Zimmermann, Diego

      (Springer, 2022-12)
      Acceso abierto
      Background: Fire danger indexes (FDIs) are used as proxies for fire potential and are often developed for specific locations. For practical purposes, the extrapolation of the underlying calculations into novel locations ...
    • Revisiting wintertime cold air intrusions at the east of the Andes: propagating features from subtropical Argentina to Peruvian Amazon and relationship with large-scale circulation patterns 

      Espinoza, J.C.; Ronchail, Josyane; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Quispe, Nelson; Silva, Yamina; Bettolli, Maria Laura; Avalos, Grinia; Llacza Rodríguez, Alan

      (Springer, 2012-12-29)
      Acceso abierto
      This study investigates the spatial and temporal characteristics of cold surges that propagates northward along the eastern flank of the Andes from subtropical to tropical South America analysing wintertime in situ daily ...
    • The role of ENSO flavours and TNA on recent droughts over Amazon forests and the Northeast Brazil region 

      Jimenez, Juan C.; Marengo, José A.; Alves, Lincoln M.; Sulca, Juan; Takahashi, Ken; Ferrett, Samantha; Collins, Matthew

      (Royal Meteorological Society, 2019-12-27)
      Acceso restringido
      Amazon tropical forests and the semiarid Northeast Brazil (NEB) region have registered very severe droughts during the last two decades, with a frequency that may have exceeded natural climate variability. Severe droughts ...
    • Seasonal differences in trace metal concentrations in the major rivers of the hyper-arid southwestern Andes basins of Peru 

      Ccanccapa-Cartagena, Alexander; Chavez Gonzales, Francisco D.; Paredes, Betty; Vera, Corina; Gutierrez, Guillermo; Valencia, Roland; Paz Alcázar, Ana Lucia; Zyaykina, Nadezhda N.; Filley, Timothy R.; Jafvert, Chad T.

      (Elsevier, 2023-10)
      Acceso abierto
      The southern rivers of Peru originate in the Andes Mountains and flow in a southwestern direction to the Pacific Ocean through one of the most hyper-arid regions of the world. During each sub-equatorial summer from December ...
    • Sediment budget in the Ucayali River basin, an Andean tributary of the Amazon River 

      Santini, W.; Martinez, J.-M.; Espinoza-Villar, R.; Cochonneau, G.; Vauchel, P.; Moquet, J.S.; Baby, P.; Espinoza, J.C.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Carranza, Jorge; Guyot, J.L.

      (Copernicus GmbH, 2014-01)
      Acceso abierto
      Formation of mountain ranges results from complex coupling between lithospheric deformation, mechanisms linked to subduction and surface processes: weathering, erosion, and climate. Today, erosion of the eastern Andean ...
    • A simple model for minimum crop temperature forecasting during nocturnal cooling 

      Lhomme, J.P.; Guilioni, L.

      (Elsevier, 2004)
      Acceso cerrado
      A simple mechanistic model is developed to forecast the minimum temperature reached by the aerial elements of a crop during nocturnal cooling. The model, whose inputs are meteorological data registered at sunset, has two ...
    • Soluble trace metals in aerosols over the tropical south-east Pacific offshore of Peru 

      Baker, A.R.; Thomas, M.; Bange, H.W.; Plasencia Sanchez, E.

      (Copernicus GmbH, 2016)
      Acceso abierto
      Meteor cruise M91 was supported by the BMBF projects SOPRAN II and III (FKZ 03F0611A and FKZ 03F662A). We thank the Peruvian authorities for authorising us to conduct the study in their territorial waters. We also would ...