• Mechanisms of tropical precipitation biases in climate models 

      Kim, Hanjun; Kang, Sarah M.; Takahashi, Ken; Donohoe, Aaron; Pendergrass, Angeline G.

      (Springer, 2020-10-27)
      We investigate the possible causes for inter-model spread in tropical zonal-mean precipitation pattern, which is divided into hemispherically symmetric and anti-symmetric modes via empirical orthogonal function analysis. ...
    • Meteorological factors and childhood diarrhea in Peru, 2005–2015: a time series analysis of historic associations, with implications for climate change 

      Delahoy, Miranda J.; Cárcamo, César; Huerta, Adrian; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Escajadillo Fernandez, Yury; Ordoñez, Luis; Vasquez-Apestegui, Vanessa; Lopman, Benjamin; Clasen, Thomas; Gonzales, Gustavo F.; Steenland, Kyle; Levy, Karen

      (BioMed Central Ltd, 2021-02-26)
      Acceso abierto
      Background: Global temperatures are projected to rise by ≥2 °C by the end of the century, with expected impacts on infectious disease incidence. Establishing the historic relationship between temperature and childhood ...
    • Modelling the water balance in the glacierized Parón Lake basin (White Cordillera, Peru) 

      Suarez, Wilson; Chevallier, P.; Pouyaud, B.; López, P.

      (Taylor & Francis, 2008)
      Acceso abierto
      The White Cordillera (northern Peru), with a glacial surface of 631 km2, is the largest glacierized mountain range in the Tropics. Due to the lack of physical data from most of its sub-basins, it is difficult to build a ...
    • Multiregional satellite precipitation products evaluation over complex terrain 

      Derin, Y.; Anagnostou, E.; Berne, A.; Borga, M.; Boudevillain, Brice; Buytaert, W.; Chang, Che-Hao; Delrieu, Guy; Hong, Yang; Chia Hsu, Yung; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Manz, Bastian; Moges, Semu; Nikolopoulos, Efthymios I.; Sahlu, Dejene; Salerno, Franco; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Juan-Pablo; Vergara, Humberto J.; Yilmaz, Koray K..

      (American Meteorological Society, 2016-06)
      Acceso abierto
      An extensive evaluation of nine global-scale high-resolution satellite-based rainfall (SBR) products is performed using a minimum of 6 years (within the period of 2000-13) of reference rainfall data derived from rain gauge ...
    • North Tropical Atlantic influence on western Amazon fire season variability 

      Fernandes, K.; Baethgen, W.; Bernardes, S.; Defries, R.; Dewitt, D.G.; Goddard, L.; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Lee, D.E.; Padoch, C.; Pinedo-Vasquez, M.; Uriarte, M.

      (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011-06)
      Acceso abierto
      The prevailing wet climate in the western Amazon is not favorable to the natural occurrence of fires. Nevertheless, the current process of clearing of humid forests for agriculture and cattle ranching has increased the ...
    • Observed and projected hydroclimate changes in the Andes 

      Pabón-Caicedo, José Daniel; Arias, Paola A.; Carril, Andrea F.; Espinoza, J.C.; Katerina, Goubanova; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Mariano, Masiokas; Silvina, Solman; Ricardo, Villalba

      (Frontiers, 2020-03-17)
      Acceso abierto
      The Andes is the most biodiverse region across the globe. In addition, some of the largest urban areas in South America are located within this region. Therefore, ecosystems and human population are affected by hydroclimate ...
    • Ocean climate observing requirements in support of climate research and climate information 

      Stammer, D; Bracco, A.; AchutaRao, K.; Beal, Lisa; Bindoff, Nathaniel L.; Braconnot, Pascale; Cai, Wenju; Chen, Dake; Collins, Matthew; Danabasoglu, Gokhan; Dewitte, Boris; Farneti, Riccardo; Fox-Kemper, Baylor; Fyfe, John; Griffies, Stephen; Jayne, Steven R.; Lazar, Alban; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Lin, Xiaopei; Marsland, Simon; Shoshiro, Minobe; Monteiro, Pedro M. S.; Robinson, Walter; Roxy, Mathew Koll; Rykaczewski, Ryan R.; Speich, Sabrina; Smith, Inga J.; Solomon, Amy; Storto, Andrea; Takahashi, Ken; Toniazzo, Thomas; Vialard, Jerome

      (Frontiers in Earth Science, 2019-07-31)
      Natural variability and change of the Earth’s climate have significant global societal impacts. With its large heat and carbon capacity and relatively slow dynamics, the ocean plays an integral role in climate, and provides ...
    • On the future of the water resources from glacier melting in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru 

      Bernard, Pouyaud; Marco, Zapata; Yerren, Jorge; Gomez, Jesus; Gabriela, Rosas; Suarez, Wilson

      (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2005)
      Acceso abierto
      The hydrological data (since 1953) of the Llanganuco basin (87.0 km2, 39% glacierized) show an increase of the glacial melting during the last quarter of the 20th century. These results were supplemented (since the end of ...
    • OZCAR: The French network of critical zone observatories 

      Gaillardet, J.; Braud, I.; Hankard, F.; Anquetin, S.; Bour, O.; Dorfliger, N.; de Dreuzy, J.R.; Galle, S.; Galy, C.; Gogo, S.; Gourcy, L.; Habets, F.; Laggoun, F.

      (Soil Science Society of America, 2018-11)
      Acceso abierto
      The French critical zone initiative, called OZCAR (Observatoires de la Zone Critique–Application et Recherche or Critical Zone Observatories–Application and Research) is a National Research Infrastructure (RI). OZCAR-RI ...
    • Ozone and volatile organic compounds in the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao, Peru 

      Silva, José; Rojas Quincho, Jhojan Pool; Norabuena Espinoza, Magdalena; Seguel, Rodrigo J.

      (Springer, 2018-07-26)
      This study analyzes ozone formation in the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao as a function of meteorological patterns and the concentrations of nitrogen oxides and reactive organic gases. The study area is located on the ...
    • Panta Rhei benchmark dataset: socio-hydrological data of paired events of floods and droughts 

      Kreibich, Heidi; Schröter, Kai; Di Baldassarre, Giuliano; Van Loon, Anne F.; Mazzoleni, Maurizio; Wakbulcho Abeshu, Guta; Agafonova, Svetlana; AghaKouchak, Amir; Aksoy, Hafzullah; Alvarez-Garreton, Camila; Aznar, Blanca; Balkhi, Laila; Barendrecht, Marlies H.; Biancamaria, Sylvain; Bos-Burgering, Liduin; Bradley, Chris; Budiyono, Yus; Buytaert, Wouter; Capewell, Lucinda; Carlson, Hayley; Cavus, Yonca; Couasnon, Anaïs; Coxon, Gemma; Daliakopoulos, Ioannis; de Ruiter, Marleen C.; Delus, Claire; Erfurt, Mathilde; Esposito, Giuseppe; François, Didier; Frappart, Frédéric; Freer, Jim; Frolova, Natalia; Gain, Animesh K.; Grillakis, Manolis; Oriol Grima, Jordi; Guzmán, Diego A.; Huning, Laurie S.; Ionita, Monica; Kharlamov, Maxim; Nguyen Khoi, Dao; Kieboom, Natalie; Kireeva, Maria; Koutroulis, Aristeidis; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Li, Hong-Yi; LLasat, Maria Carmen; Macdonald, David; Mård, Johanna; Mathew-Richards, Hannah; McKenzie, Andrew; Mejia, Alfonso; Mendiondo, Eduardo Mario; Mens, Marjolein; Mobini, Shifteh; Samprogna Mohor, Guilherme; Nagavciuc, Viorica; Ngo-Duc, Thanh; Thao Nguyen, Huynh Thi; Thao Nh, Pham Thi; Petrucci, Olga; Hong Quan, Nguyen; Quintana-Seguí, Pere; Razavi, Saman; Ridolf, Elena; Riegel, Jannik; Shibly Sadik, Md; Sairam, Nivedita; Savelli, Elisa; Sazonov, Alexey; Sharma, Sanjib; Sörensen, Johanna; Arguello Souza, Felipe Augusto; Stahl, Kerstin; Steinhausen, Max; Stoelzle, Michael; Szalinska, Wiwiana; Tang, Qiuhong; Tian, Fuqiang; Tokarczyk, Tamara; Tovar, Carolina; Thu Tran, Thi Van; van Huijgevoort, Marjolein H. J.; van Vliet, Michelle T. H.; Vorogushyn, Sergiy; Wagener, Thorsten; Wang, Yueling; Wendt, Doris E.; Wickham, Elliot; Yang, Long; Zambrano-Bigiarini, Mauricio; Ward, Philip J.

      (Copernicus Publications, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      As the adverse impacts of hydrological extremes increase in many regions of the world, a better understanding of the drivers of changes in risk and impacts is essential for effective flood and drought risk management and ...
    • Participatory action research for conservation and development: Experiences from the Amazon 

      Perz, S.G.; Arteaga, Marliz; Baudoin, Farah A.; Brown, I.F.; Huaman Mendoza, Elsa; de Paula, Y.A.P.; Perales Yabar, Leonor Mercedes; Santos Pimentel, Alan; Ribeiro, Sabina C.; Rioja-Ballivián, G.; Rosero Peña, Martha; Sanjinez L., L. Cecilia; Selaya G., N. Galia

      (MDPI AG, 2022-01)
      Acceso abierto
      Research that features participation and action orientation, such as participatory action research (PAR), is especially valuable in contexts where there is rapid change, high social inequality, and great uncertainty about ...
    • Particulate matter levels in a South American megacity: the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao, Peru 

      Silva, José; Rojas Quincho, Jhojan Pool; Norabuena Espinoza, Magdalena; Molina, Carolina; Toro, Richard; Leiva-Guzmán, Manuel A.

      (Springer, 2017-11-13)
      Acceso cerrado
      The temporal and spatial trends in the variability of PM10 and PM2.5 from 2010 to 2015 in the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao, Peru, are studied and interpreted in this work. The mean annual concentrations of PM10 and ...
    • Performance of Regional Climate Model Precipitation Simulations Over the Terrain-Complex Andes-Amazon Transition Region 

      Armijos, Elisaa,; Gutierrez, Ricardo A.; Junquas, Clémentinec; Armijos, Elisaa; Sörensson, Anna A.; Espinoza, Jhan-Carloc

      (American Geophysical Union, 2024)
      Acceso abierto
      Regional climate models (RCMs) are widely used to assess future impacts associated with climate change at regional and local scales. RCMs must represent relevant climate variables in the present-day climate to be considered ...
    • Performance of Regional Climate Model Precipitation Simulations Over the Terrain-Complex Andes-Amazon Transition Region 

      Gutierrez, Ricardo A.; Junquas, Clémentine; Armijos, Elisa; Sörensson, Anna A.; Espinoza, Jhan-Carlo

      (American Geophysical Union, 2024)
      Acceso abierto
      Regional climate models (RCMs) are widely used to assess future impacts associated with climate change at regional and local scales. RCMs must represent relevant climate variables in the present-day climate to be considered ...
    • Photochemical sensitivity to emissions and local meteorology in Bogotá, Santiago, and São Paulo: An analysis of the initial COVID-19 lockdowns 

      Seguel, Rodrigo J.; Gallardo, Laura; Osses, Mauricio; Rojas, Néstor Y.; Nogueira, Thiago; Menares, Camilo; Andrade, Maria de Fatima; Belalcázar, Luis C.; Carrasco, Paula; Eskes, Henk; Fleming, Zoë L.; Huneeus, Nicolas; Ibarra-Espinosa, Sergio; Landulfo, Eduardo; Leiva, Manuel; Mangones, Sonia C.; Morais, Fernando G.; Moreira, Gregori A.; Pantoja, Nicolás; Parraguez, Santiago; Rojas Quincho, Jhojan Pool; Rondanelli, Roberto; Andrade, Izabel da Silva; Toro, Richard; Yoshida, Alexandre C.

      (University of California Press, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      This study delves into the photochemical atmospheric changes reported globally during the pandemic by analyzing the change in emissions from mobile sources and the contribution of local meteorology to ozone (O3) and particle ...
    • PISCO_HyM_GR2M: A Model of Monthly Water Balance in Peru (1981–2020) 

      Llauca, Harold; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Montesinos Cáceres, Cristian Albert; Santini, W.; Rau, Pedro

      (MDPI AG, 2021-04-10)
      Acceso abierto
      Quantification of the surface water offer is crucial for its management. In Peru, the low spatial density of hydrometric stations makes this task challenging. This work aims to evaluate the hydrological performance of a ...
    • PISCOeo_pm, a reference evapotranspiration gridded database based on FAO Penman-Monteith in Peru 

      Huerta, Adrian; Bonnesoeur, Vivien; Cuadros-Adriazola, José; Gutierrez Lope, Leonardo; Ochoa-Tocachi, Boris F.; Román-Dañobeytia, Francisco; Lavado-Casimiro, W.

      (Nature, 2022-06)
      Acceso abierto
      A new FAO Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration gridded dataset is introduced, called PISCOeo_pm. PISCOeo_pm has been developed for the 1981–2016 period at ~1 km (0.01°) spatial resolution for the entire continental ...
    • Potential impacts of early twenty-first century changes in temperature and precipitation on rainfed annual crops in the Central Andes of Peru 

      Sanabria Quispe, Janeet; Calanca, Pierluigi; Alarcón Velazco, Constantino Eusebio; Canchari, Glicerio

      (Springer, 2014-03-08)
      Acceso abierto
      Smallholder agriculture in the Central Andes of Peru is based to large extent on rainfed cropping systems, is exposed to climatic risks and is expected to respond sensitively to increasing temperatures and shifts in the ...
    • Precipitation diurnal cycle assessment of satellite-based estimates over Brazil 

      Afonso, J.M.S.; Vila, D.A.; Gan, M.A.; Quispe, D.P.; Barreto, N.J.C.; Huamán, Joao; Palharini, R.S.A.

      (MDPI AG, 2020-07-21)
      Acceso abierto
      The main objective of this study is to assess the ability of several high-resolution satellite-based precipitation estimates to represent the Precipitation Diurnal Cycle (PDC) over Brazil during the 2014–2018 period, after ...