SILVIA: An operational system to monitoring landslides forced by heavy precipitations at national scale in Peru
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
In Peru, heavy precipitations (PR) are the second natural phenomenon with the greatest number of people affected in recent decades. Landslides (known as “huaycos” in Peru) are mostly produced by PR and located overall on ...
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Spatio-temporal temperature and precipitation patterns in the southern Peruvian Andes - insights from the Climandes project
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
In the southern Peruvian Andes, climatic threats such as water scarcity or frost pose major challenges for agriculture. Such events may result in severe yield losses threatening the livelihood of smallholder farmers due ...
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Implementation of a flood forecasting system in a transboundary river basin, Peru – Ecuador
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
The Peruvian Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI) provides hydro-climatological hazard information to population and decision-makers about flood forecasting and warning on the whole territory of Peru. For flash ...
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The vulnerability of water availability in Peru due to climate change: A probabilistic Budyko analysis
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
This study provides for the-first-time a water availability analysis at drainage and basin-scale in Peru. Using new gridded datasets of precipitation and temperature, along with six global actual evapotranspiration estimations ...
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Monthly semi-distributed hydrological model at national scale in Peru
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
Surface water resources in Peru are heterogeneously distributed in three drainage areas (Pacific, Titicaca, and Atlantic), and their quantification is relevant for planning in economic activities such as water supply and ...
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Snow-Hydrological modeling using remote sensing data in Vilcanota basin
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
Water resources availability in the southern Andes of Peru is being affected by glacier and snow retreat. This problem is already perceived in the Vilcanota river basin, where hydro-climatological information is scarce. ...
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RAHU Project: Assessing water security and climate change adaptation strategies in the glaciated Vilcanota-Urubamba river basin
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
The Peruvian Andes are a hotspot of vulnerabilities to impacts in water resources due to the propensity for water stress, the highly unpredictable weather, the sensitivity of glaciers, and the socio-economic vulnerability ...
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Present and future water security under socioeconomic and climate changes in the Vilcanota-Urubamba basin
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
This research assesses present (2009-2016) and future (until 2100) levels of water security taking into consideration socioeconomic and climate change scenarios using the WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) tool for ...
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Surface water resources assessment in Peru through SWAT hydrological model
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
Surface water resources in Peru show high spatio-temporal variability, being the prediction of streamflow at ungauged sites, one of the fundamental challenges today. This research presents a methodology for regional ...
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ANDES: The first system for flash flood monitoring and forecasting in Peru
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)
Hydrological hazards related to flash floods (FF) in Peru have caused many economic and human life losses in recent years. In this context, developing complete early warning systems against FF is necessary to cope impacts. ...
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