03. Conferencia y Congreso: Recent submissions
Relevance of future snowfall level height in the Peruvian Andes for glacier loss in the 21st century under different emission scenarios
Schauwecker, Simone; Kronenberg, Marlene; Rohrer, Mario; Huggel, Christian; Endries, Jason; Montoya, Nilton; Neukom, Raphael; Perry, Baker; Salzmann, Nadine; Schwarb, Manfred; Suarez, Wilson
(American Geophysical Union, 2017)Acceso abiertoIn many regions of Peru, the competition for limited hydrological resources already represents a large risk for conflicts. In this context, and within the circumstances of climate change, there is a great interest in ... -
Influence of cloudiness on the incident shortwave radiation of Nevado Coropuna
Ramos, Isabel; De la Cruz, Gustavo; Suarez, Wilson
(Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú, 2018)Acceso abiertoThe main objective of this work is to analyze the influence of cloud cover on shortwave radiation incident of the Nevado Coropuna during 2015-2016. In this presentation they propose to discuss that Arequipa, during the ... -
Surface energy and mass balance modeling of a Peruvian tropical glacier
Torres, C.; Arigony, J.; Arndt, A.; Tobias, S.; Gurgiser, W.; Suarez, Wilson; Santillan, N.; Maier, É.
(American Geophysical Union, 2019-12)Acceso abiertoGlaciers in Peruvian Andes play an important role for local hydrology. To quantify the availability of glacier meltwater in a climate change scenario, surface energy (SEB) and mass balance (MB) models are required. However, ... -
Evaluación espacio-temporal de las sequías hidrológicas en Perú (1981 – 2019)
Qquenta, Jonathan
(Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú, 2022-04-21)Acceso abiertoComprende la identificación de sequías hidrológicas de 14 regiones definidas en este estudio, siendo la región del Amazonas la que presentó eventos de mayor duración, y la región Andina, eventos de mayor magnitud. Asimismo, ... -
Quantifying the controls of Peruvian glacier response to climate
Fyffe, Catriona L.; Potter, Emily; Fugger, S.; Orr, Andrew; Fatichi, Simone; Medina, Katy; Hellström, Robert Å.; Shaw, Thomas E.; Bernat, Maud; Llacza Rodríguez, Alan; Jácome Vergaray, Gerardo; Aubry-Wake, Caroline; Gurgiser, Wolfgang; Perry, L. Baker; Suarez, Wilson; Quincey, Duncan J.; Loarte, Edwin; Pellicciotti, Francesca
(American Geophysical Union, 2021-04)Acceso abiertoPeruvian glaciers are important contributors to dry season runoff for agriculture and hydropower, but they are at risk of disappearing due to climate warming. Their energy balance and ablation characteristics have previously ... -
The Relationship Between Shallap Glacier - Cordillera Blanca and King George Island - Antarctic Peninsula
Rojas Macedo, I. C.; Suarez, Wilson; Loarte Cadenas, E. A.; Medina Marcos, K. D; Castillo Vergara, F.
(American Geophysical Union, 2021-12)Acceso abiertoThe main goal of this study is to determine the relationship between Shallap Glacier (SG) — Cordillera Blanca and King George Island (KGI) glaciers — Antarctic Peninsula and describe their features. Multi-temporal analysis ... -
Studying spatial agreement of catchment response to climate and landuse change under uncertainty for prioritizing investment into hydropower catchments
Ding, Zhaowei; Angarita, Hector; Montesinos Cáceres, Cristian Albert; Lavado-Casimiro, W.
(European Geosciences Union, 2022-04)Acceso abiertoJoint climate and land cover change can significantly alter catchment hydrologic response, e.g., in terms of runoff and sediment delivery, and thus key determinants for downstream hydropower outcomes. While many studies ... -
Participatory rainfall monitoring: strengthening hydrometeorological risk management and community resilience in Peru
Arestegui, Miguel; Ordoñez, Miluska; Cisneros, Abel; Madueño, Giorgio; Almeida, Cinthia; Aliaga Nestares, Vannia; Quispe, Nelson; Millán Arancibia, Carlos; Lavado-Casimiro. W.; Huaman, Samuel; Phillips, Jeremy
(European Geosciences Union, 2022)Acceso abiertoHeavy rainfall, floods and debris flow on the Rimac river watershed are recurring events that impact Peruvian people in vulnerable situations.There are few historical records, in terms of hydrometeorological variables, ... -
Mass balance study of the Znosko glacier, Antarctica, using remote sensing and in situ measurements
Bello, Cinthya; Suarez, Wilson; Brondi, F.; Gonzales, Gilbert
(European Geosciences Union, 2021-03)Acceso abiertoGlaciers are a key indicator of climate change. Since the second half of the 20th century several glaciers in Antarctica have retreated. In situ measurements of glacier mass balance in the Antarctic Peninsula and its ... -
Influence of Climate Variability in King George Island Glacier Retreat – Antarctic Peninsula
Rojas Macedo, Ibeth Celia; Suarez, Wilson; Edwin Anibal, Loarte Cadenas; Medina Marcos, Katy Damacia
(European Geosciences Union, 2021)Acceso abiertoThis research aims to explain the influence of climatic variables (temperature and precipitation) in King George Island (KGI) glacier shrinkage on the Antarctic Peninsula. It employed Landsat satellite images from 1989 to ... -
Dynamic regionalization over Peru: HadGEM2-ES / WRF
Llacza Rodríguez, Alan; Jácome Vergaray, Gerardo
(Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú, 2008)Acceso abiertoThe present work has as objective the elaboration of a new gridded data base to 16 km, for the analysis of the changes of the future climate on Peru, mainly in the variables of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature. ... -
The vulnerability of water availability in Peru due to climate change: A probabilistic Budyko analysis
Huerta, Adrian; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Rau, Pedro
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoThis study provides for the-first-time a water availability analysis at drainage and basin-scale in Peru. Using new gridded datasets of precipitation and temperature, along with six global actual evapotranspiration estimations ... -
Spatio-temporal temperature and precipitation patterns in the southern Peruvian Andes - insights from the Climandes project
Spirig, C.; Stefanie, Gubler; Avalos, Grinia; Huerta, Adrian; Imfeld, Noemi; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Oria, Clara; Quevedo Caiña, Karim; Rohrer, Mario; Scherrer, Simon C.; Sedlmeier, Katrin; Schwierz, Cornelia
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoIn the southern Peruvian Andes, climatic threats such as water scarcity or frost pose major challenges for agriculture. Such events may result in severe yield losses threatening the livelihood of smallholder farmers due ... -
Snow-Hydrological modeling using remote sensing data in Vilcanota basin
Risco Sence, Eber; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Rau, Pedro
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoWater resources availability in the southern Andes of Peru is being affected by glacier and snow retreat. This problem is already perceived in the Vilcanota river basin, where hydro-climatological information is scarce. ... -
SILVIA: An operational system to monitoring landslides forced by heavy precipitations at national scale in Peru
Millán Arancibia, Carlos; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Vega-Jácome, Fiorella; Felipe-Obando, Oscar; Acuña Azarte, Julia; Takahashi, Ken
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoIn Peru, heavy precipitations (PR) are the second natural phenomenon with the greatest number of people affected in recent decades. Landslides (known as “huaycos” in Peru) are mostly produced by PR and located overall on ... -
Present and future water security under socioeconomic and climate changes in the Vilcanota-Urubamba basin
Goyburo, Andres; Rau, Pedro; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Drenkhan, Fabian; Buytaert, W.
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoThis research assesses present (2009-2016) and future (until 2100) levels of water security taking into consideration socioeconomic and climate change scenarios using the WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) tool for ... -
ANDES: The first system for flash flood monitoring and forecasting in Peru
Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Jimenez, Juan C.; Llauca, Harold; Karen, Leon; Oria, Clara; Llacza Rodríguez, Alan; Huerta, Adrian; Felipe-Obando, Oscar; Acuña Azarte, Julia; Rau, Pedro; Abad, Jorge
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoHydrological hazards related to flash floods (FF) in Peru have caused many economic and human life losses in recent years. In this context, developing complete early warning systems against FF is necessary to cope impacts. ... -
Surface water resources assessment in Peru through SWAT hydrological model
Asurza Véliz, Flavio Alexander; Traverso-Yucra, Kevin Arnold; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Felipe-Obando, Oscar; Montesinos Cáceres, Cristian Albert; Llauca, Harold
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoSurface water resources in Peru show high spatio-temporal variability, being the prediction of streamflow at ungauged sites, one of the fundamental challenges today. This research presents a methodology for regional ... -
Monthly semi-distributed hydrological model at national scale in Peru
Llauca, Harold; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Montesinos Cáceres, Cristian Albert; Rau, Pedro
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoSurface water resources in Peru are heterogeneously distributed in three drainage areas (Pacific, Titicaca, and Atlantic), and their quantification is relevant for planning in economic activities such as water supply and ... -
Implementation of a flood forecasting system in a transboundary river basin, Peru – Ecuador
Leon, Karen; Acuña Azarte, Julia; Llauca, Harold; Lavado-Casimiro, W.; Suarez, Wilson; Ordoñez, Jorge; Felipe-Obando, Oscar
(European Geosciences Union, 2020)Acceso abiertoThe Peruvian Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI) provides hydro-climatological hazard information to population and decision-makers about flood forecasting and warning on the whole territory of Peru. For flash ...