Listar por autor "Imfeld, N."
Summertime precipitation deficits in the southern Peruvian highlands since 1964
Imfeld, N.; Barreto Schuler, Christian; Correa, Kris; Jacques-Coper, M.; Sedlmeier, v; Gubler, S.; Huerta, Adrian; Brönnimann, v
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2019-03)Acceso abiertoPrecipitation deficits remain a concern to the rural population in the southern Peruvian highlands and knowledge about their occurrence is lacking because of scarce data availability. For mountainous regions with sparse ... -
Twinning SENAMHI and MeteoSwiss to co-develop climate services for the agricultural sector in Peru
Gubler, S.; Rossa, Andrea; Avalos, Grinia; Brönnimann, Stefan; Cristobal, Katy; Croci-Maspoli, M.; Dapozzo, M.; van der Elst, A.; Escajadillo Fernandez, Yury; Flubacher, Moritz; Garcia, T.; Imfeld, N.; Konzelmann, T.; Lechthaler, F.; Liniger, M.; Quevedo Caiña, Karim; Ramos, Hugo; Rohrer, M.; Schwierz, C.; Sedlmeier, K.; Spirig, C.; de Ventura, S.; Wüthrich, B.
(Elsevier B.V., 2020-12-06)Acceso abiertoThe development and dissemination of weather and climate information is crucial to improve people's resilience and adaptability to climate variability and change. The impacts of climate variability and change are generally ...