The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns on the Air Pollution of Urban Areas of Central and Southern Chile
(AAGR Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2021)
We present the effects of the confinement and physical distancing policies applied during the COVID-19 pandemic on the concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, NO, NO2 and O3 in 16 cities in central and southern Chile. The period ...
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Effects of COVID-19 pandemic control measures on air pollution in Lima metropolitan area, Peru in South America
(Springer, 2021-02-04)
The sanitary measures implemented to control and prevent an increase in infections due to the COVID-19 pandemic have produced an improvement in the air quality of many urban areas around the world. We assessed air quality ...
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A global observational analysis to understand changes in air quality during exceptionally low anthropogenic emission conditions
(Elsevier, 2021-08)
This global study, which has been coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization Global Atmospheric Watch (WMO/GAW) programme, aims to understand the behaviour of key air pollutant species during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
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Air pollution and COVID-19 lockdown in a large South American city: Santiago Metropolitan Area, Chile
(Elsevier B.V., 2021-02)
The implementation of confinement and physical distancing measures to restrict people's activities and transit in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to study how these measures affect the air quality in urban ...
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Ozone and volatile organic compounds in the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao, Peru
(Springer, 2018-07-26)
This study analyzes ozone formation in the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao as a function of meteorological patterns and the concentrations of nitrogen oxides and reactive organic gases. The study area is located on the ...
Particulate matter levels in a South American megacity: the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao, Peru
(Springer, 2017-11-13)
The temporal and spatial trends in the variability of PM10 and PM2.5 from 2010 to 2015 in the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao, Peru, are studied and interpreted in this work. The mean annual concentrations of PM10 and ...
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Chemical characteristics and identification of PM10 sources in two districts of Lima, Peru
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2020-11)
This study evaluates the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 andidentifies the sources of pollution in the districts of San Juan de Lurigancho (SJL) and Puente Piedra (PPD) located in the eastern and northern zones of the ...
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Determination of atmospheric aerosol components in an urban area to evaluate the air quality and identify the sources of contamination
(Springer, 2023-02-15)
The need to generate objective evidence and reliable information for decision makers to improve environmental policies for a better air quality, led us to evaluate the atmospheric aerosol components in the urban area of ...
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Association between air pollution in Lima and the high incidence of COVID-19: findings from a post hoc analysis
(BioMed Central Ltd, 2021)
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) originated in the People’s Republic of China in December 2019. Thereafter, a global logarithmic expansion of cases occurred. Some countries have a higher rate of infections ...
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Photochemical sensitivity to emissions and local meteorology in Bogotá, Santiago, and São Paulo: An analysis of the initial COVID-19 lockdowns
(University of California Press, 2022)
This study delves into the photochemical atmospheric changes reported globally during the pandemic by analyzing the change in emissions from mobile sources and the contribution of local meteorology to ozone (O3) and particle ...
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