The contributions of transboundary networks to environmental governance: The legacy of the MAP initiative
(Elsevier, 2022)
Because many environmental threats span national boundaries, transboundary networks have emerged as a form of multi-stakeholder platform to support environmental governance (EG). There are transboundary networks in various ...
Hailstorm events in the Central Andes of Peru: Insights from historical data and radar microphysics
(European Geosciences Union, 2024)
Hailstorms, while fascinating from a meteorological perspective, pose significant risks to communities, agriculture, and infrastructure. In regions such as the Central Andes of Peru, the characteristics and frequency of ...
The new record of drought and warmth in the Amazon in 2023 related to regional and global climatic features
(Springer, 2024)
In 2023 Amazonia experienced both historical drought and warm conditions. On October 26th 2023 the water levels at the port of Manaus reached its lowest record since 1902 (12.70 m). In this region, October monthly maximum ...
Hydrological Response Assessment of Land Cover Change in a Peruvian Amazonian Basin Impacted by Deforestation Using the SWAT Model
(MDPI, 2024)
The watershed hydrologic conditions in the Madre de Dios (MDD) Basin in the Peruvian Amazon have been irreversibly impacted by deforestation and changes in land cover. These changes have also had detrimental effects on the ...
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Hydrological Response Assessment of Land Cover Change in a Peruvian Amazonian Basin Impacted by Deforestation Using the SWAT Model
(MDPI, 2023)
The watershed hydrologic conditions in the Madre de Dios (MDD) Basin in the Peruvian Amazon have been irreversibly impacted by deforestation and changes in land cover. These changes have also had detrimental effects on the ...
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The influence of station density on climate data homogenization
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2017-11)
Relative homogenization methods assume that measurements of nearby stations experience similar climate signals and rely therefore on dense station networks with high-temporal correlations. In developing countries such as ...
Advancing South American Water and Climate Science through Multidecadal Convection-Permitting Modeling
(American Meteorological Society, 2024-01-08)
South America’s hydroclimate sustains vibrant communities and natural ecosystems of extraordinary biodiversity including the Andes Cordillera, and the Orinoco, La Plata, and Amazon basins. Global warming and land-use change ...
Measurements of sulfur dioxide,ozone and ammonia concentrations in Asia,Africa,and South America using passive samplers
(Elsevier, 2003)
Measurements of gaseous SO2,NH3,and O3 using IVL passive sampler technology were obtained during a pilot measurement program initiated as a key component of the newly established WMO/GAW Urban Research Meteorology and ...
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A data portal for regional climatic trend analysis in a Peruvian High Andes region
(Copernicus Publications, 2011-08-16)
In the frame of a Swiss-Peruvian climate change adaptation initiative (PACC), operational and historical data series of more than 100 stations of the Peruvian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI) are now ...
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Cl and Na Fluxes in an Andean Foreland Basin of the Peruvian Amazon: An Anthropogenic Impact Evidence
(Springer, 2014-09-14)
The dissolved load of the Amazon River is generally considered to be lowlyimpacted by anthropogenic activities. In this work, based on the chemical and hydrologicaldatabase of the Environmental Research Observatory—HYBAM ...
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